What is the longest word in English? - whatis the longest cartoon
Where is the longest word in the English language? And certainly not how long do the words really do not be fooled! lol
What is the longest word in English? - whatis the longest cartoon
Where is the longest word in the English language? And certainly not how long do the words really do not be fooled! lol
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Since this is one miles between art letters
Define the term "English". . . make loan words, like most words in medicine (used the loans of America), Earl?
The longest word in an English dictionary pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolca is important ... 45-letter word to refer to a lung ailment, but research has found that this word was originally intended as a joke. It has been there in a close approximation of its meaning used originally planned to lend at least some degree of validity of his claim
The longest is the technical word Floccinaucinihilipilification to 29 letters. It consists of a series of Latin words "nothing" and as "an act of estimating something as worthless", has defined its use recorded in 1741. [2] [3] [4] In recent years, its use in the records of the Senate of the United States received from Senator Robert Byrd [5], and the spokesman for Bill Clinton in the White House Mike McCurry, albeit sarcastically. [6]
Antidisestablishmentarianism (NIneteenth century movement in England against the separation of church and state) to 28 letters yet familiar currency as one of the longest words in the English language.
The longest word currently used in science (which could be regarded as English) is the chemical name for tryptophan synthetase protein. It has 1912 letters, and because of the fact that HTE has more than 128 years long term is not used initially no spaces (it is set just common spaces between the parts of chemical names, so that they more) a word and is considered a spelling choice valid.
because of the sheer length, I urge you to visit this link to see the word
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